“I’m sure people want you to complete it,” Adam replied. “People don’t want the All Blacks to lose.” (The All Blacks are the New Zealand rugby team.)
“If I post every day, it's annoying. And it’s kind of showing off,” I said.
“You should finish it. It was a personal challenge that you set for yourself. It’s not about other people,” said Adam. He clearly doesn’t know anything about blogging.
“It is about them because they are my audience. They read my posts,” I explained. “So, wouldn’t it be more entertaining and dramatic if I wasn’t able to finish the challenge? It could be a plot twist. I struggle but come up short.”
“O.K. It was just an idea. I’ll write a post. Besides, I still might fail, without throwing the challenge on purpose.”
“That’s right.”
I have been in my pajamas all weekend. There was lots of sun, but I didn't go outside. I have been lying on the couch under a blanket, watching a Keeping Up With the Kardashians marathon and girl movies. I asked Adam to go to the shop for more cold remedies. I drank cups of tea.
It is Midnight. Nablopomo is keeping me up past my bedtime. I’m not writing the post I had planned to write. Instead of writing this post, I want to go to sleep. I should have written this post earlier. Maybe tomorrow I will write a better story.

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Edited to add. Since this is a "blog with integrity", I need to tell you the truth. I fell asleep before I clicked on "Publish Post". And I missed my deadline--by 10 minutes. So, I failed my personal challenge. No shiny Nablopomo badge for me. (But this is a clever plot twist. Now my blog persona is just like Sandra Bullock in "The Proposal", or Meryl Streep in "Doubt". No, I'm like J-Lo in "Maid in Manhattan". AMIRITE??)
I admire you so much for blogging daily! Especially while being sick. You truly have to make it a priority to be able to produce something every single day. Cheers to you! Now that I've found your blog, I've bookmarked it to come back later when I've got more time.
Don't you want to be Julia Roberts in Eat, Pray, Love?
What a chuckle...I bet you said a lot of things that others have not been willing to admit!
Personally, I know without a doubt that I couldn't find something to blog about EVERY DAY for a month, so my hat is off to you for your efforts!
You watched 'Keeping Up With the K-s' while you were sick?... then you may safely blame any late posting on 'brain-rot'.
Shows like that being shown abroad, (plus 'Real Housewives', 'Jersey Shore', etc) make me afraid to go anywhere outside the U.S. and admit I'm American. Sigh.
If you mean, you're going to win by losing, yes. YOUARERITE. I think.
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