I was away during our landlords' latest foray into DIY. Poor Adam was on landlord duty, and I am in his debt.
And magic, magic. Our new curtains are up. On three windows.
I love them. Believe me, it could be worse.
I love them. Believe me, it could be worse.
Oops. Sorry, Comms Chris (the guy behind @telstraclearnz). But you probably get this a lot. If only Twitter had never been invented.
Besides, the problem was probably a Microsoft update. I thought I had been shutting down my computer. With the (stupid) Vista Shutdown button. It looks like a shutdown button.But it's not. Hopefully, if you use Vista, you are smarter than me, and you have changed the setting. Otherwise, if you click on this, you are just putting your computer to sleep.
And, while I am on the subject of stupid, um, Microsoft? Why does System Restore never work for me?
Maybe I should just tweet this. Never mind.
For the moment, I am tethered to my desk. I am weary after updates and installations. But I am grateful and relieved that my computer is up and running. And I still have my personal files. It’s even kind of nice my computer has been wiped clean.
I don’t feel brave enough to sort out the router just yet, but I do miss being wireless. I hope, in time, I will find the courage to try again. Fingers crossed.
The child eats the blueberries first.