Thank you, kind beautiful people. You know who you are.
Soon you will be receiving a postcard full of heartfelt thanks from me via snail mail. Something you can put on your fridge. I will use (and keep confidential) your PayPal shipping address. If this is the wrong address for anyone, please email me.
I know these are bad times for lots of people. I am still mostly out of work in rural New Zealand, and I need help. I hate that I don’t have a book to sell you. All I have right now is this blog. My blog of two years, which I have written for the love. That is, FOR FREE.
If you happen to have lots of disposable income, and you are wondering which nonprofit charity to support, may I suggest Juli and Six of Wellington Road? I only ask because I don’t know how I will make it through the next month.
Maybe nobody knows how they will make it through. But clinging to this precipice is scaring me.
My income has been reduced since Adam and I separated. But my landlords, who enjoy bleeding stones, have raised my rent. (They raise my rent every year. They like to hear me whimper.)
I need to move to a cheaper house. This is probably a good thing, as we aren't happy with Six's school. (More on this in another post.)
In the meantime, there’s the rubbish bill and car maintenance and doctor’s visits. I need to pay someone to mow these stupid lawns. Six needs winter clothes and school supplies. It is past time to order firewood (the method by which we heat our house in winter).
In New Zealand, the cost of living is high. Housing prices here are among the most expensive in the world. Petrol is not cheap either (about US$8 a gallon). There is no such thing as a spontaneous trip to the mall. I MUST combine trips. Food is also expensive (US$10 for a gallon of milk).
I consider my budget so carefully. When Six is with me, we have wholesome meals. But on the weekends, when Six is with his dad, I try not to buy anything. I make a game out of it—how cheap can I eat?
I am working it all out. But I don’t want to choose between firewood and food. I am on the dole, but the benefit only goes so far. Same with family assistance. I am underemployed.
I don’t like putting this out there. No, I don’t have a book. I would love to sell you one. But I have creative skills, a broadband internet connection, and a post shop. Hire me? If you have a spare twenty, will you drop it in my tip jar? (It's in my sidebar.) Let me know what I can swap for money.
P.S. If you are local, maybe you want to buy some of my stuff? YOU CAN CLUTTER UP YOUR GARAGE WITH MY STUFF.
I feel for you, Julie. I can't help you now except to pray for you, but I know that you will come out of this a better and stronger person.
I'm not saying this just because it sounds good--I've been there and I know! Hang in there, my bloggy friend.
Things are happening fast for you. Give yourself a break. Do one thing at a time and you will get yourself together. It is wonderful that there are so many people out there rooting for you.
Look at us! TWINS!
On a lighter note, I clicked on your blog in my Google Reader and thought I'd clicked on Vodka's. So I'm reading along and thinking, when the HELL did Debbie move to New Zealand?
I'm so sorry :-( I feel for you, what with having our own rising rent costs. It's crazy.
Bloody hell, I hope some magic starts happening for you soon Julie, you don't need financial crap to deal with on top of all the changes that have gone on recently. I'm many miles away, but will send your trademe linky to my Wellington friends.
Take care, the six bucks in my bank account right now wouldn't do you a hell of a lot of good, but should a mountain of money rain in my back yard today I'll definitely send you a bundle (You've got to be optimistic (deluded!?) about money raining out of the just never know!)
as i read this post, i weep. you are beautiful and good, julie. you are not alone, and yet, within such loneliness, company trembles with irrelevancy. know that others who value such things as words value your words, though with the unfortunately useless currency of their hearts. we love you in this house. keep pushing toward your goals. when it is finished, we will buy copies of your book. in the mean time, please list your hard address and we will send a (very) little something for you and six. we don't have much, but i would be happy to extend what we can. what size is six? we have many boys clothes that we could send, as well.
Hi Julie. We've never met. And only just found your blog today. However, life is very good to me, so I've sent some your way. xo, Bea
Awww I really feel for you. I have been there and it is not a nice place to be. Just keep at it and eventually you will see a way out.
Thanks for stopping my by blog and commenting! It was lovely to hear from you!
Julie, I too am a NZer. Have you applied for budgetary advice? The NZ welfare system is not bad if you spend it wisely and seek additional money if it can be justified. Is your ex paying his share of child maintenance? - Dave
Dave, you are right. I am grateful for our social safety net in NZ. I am currently receiving the DPB. However, my housing cost almost 70% of my weekly benefit. This does not include power or other utilities. Obviously, it is quite difficult to meet our expenses on this budget.
And as Six is now 6 years old, I am no longer eligible to receive this temporary assistance. I need to find some kind of part-time work.
As far as I know, Adam is paying child support. (Right now he is paying directly to IRD.)
We are splitting up our households, so there are additional costs in now having to supply two of everything. (new fridge, new washing machine, etc.) Hoping I will be able to get a loan to help pay for some of these things.
Hi Juli, sorry I haven't seen your post till now. Sorry things are so difficult for you at the moment. I am thinking positive thoughts for you and hoping things get better very soon. x
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