Yesterday the weather was beautiful, but I was in a foul mood.
The child's demands are incessant. He just won't let me play on the computer all day.
And he doesn’t want to get dropped off at playcentre. So playcentre is annoying me too.
The husband has a terrible man cold*.
I'm dying for some ALONE TIME.
At some place other than the supermarket. Some place with a broadband connection.
*Thanks to the Bloggess for sharing this very funny link.
Edited to add. My husband finally read my blog, and he pointed out that this post was a little misleading. He didn't lie on the couch with his man cold. He soldiered on. As we parents do. Yeah, remember the days before children, when we could camp out on the couch with a cold, and just watch telly? Oh, the memories. My point is that men are so very pathetic when they have a cold. Sorry, it's sad.
1 comment:
Oh, yeah, for the man cold. lol
Sounds like you need an iphone.
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