But to put a brighter spin on things, I think I was born in the wrong decade. This may be the lament of a late bloomer.
I still have no idea what to do. Not really. Earning money by publishing novels is a stupid pipe dream. And I think I have always known this.
I have a whim to make the world a better place—by sharing the delights of Romeo and Juliet and The Metamorphosis with impressionable young people who will not read these texts.
But in New Zealand there is no shortage of English teachers. And French teachers aren't in demand here either (ref. a little incident with nuclear testing in the South Pacific, and a boat called the Rainbow Warrior).
The other deterrent to shaping young Kiwi minds is I need to spend $6,000 on a "paper”. Although I am usually in favour of gaining more education, this seems unfair. I wish the cost of the paper could be absorbed by my employer (The Ministry of Education) in exchange for say, a couple-year commitment to teaching.
If there are no jobs for English teachers, it is probably more worthwhile to toss $6,000 in the wood burner.
I do have a teaching certificate from when I lived in Chicago. I got it when I was about 25 (and confused). I'm pretty sure I had to do something to get it, even if I don’t quite remember what it was. At the time, Chicago was desperate for teachers, and they encouraged anyone crazy or stupid enough to want to teach school to give it a go.
There were trips to the Board of Education, and there may have been testing or evaluation. Even though education in America now has fallen behind, I feel like my previous experience should be worth something.
This is the plight of the immigrant. You need to jump through hoops to get a job you may have been allowed to do in your home country. Of course most Kiwis believe this is perfectly reasonable.
There is a need for teachers in New Zealand, and it would be nice to have a similar schedule and holidays to Five’s. But I also want to get in paid employment ASAP. So instead of trying to inspire Kiwi children, I think I will try to get another grey government job producing documents. Or do the paper to teach school. One or the other.
Yes, I'm happy we cleared that up.
You and I are so in sync. Although I must admit, I'm very tired of filling out what seem to be pointless applications. I want the old days back where you emailed a cover letter and resume and got a phone interview like magic.
Instead I spend hours online filling out ong applications with 214 question questionnaires to make minimum wage in a retail store.
A grey government job has proven to be even more elusive since I don't currently have a salary level with them.
I keep suggesting to my family that we go old school and just cope with having a stay at home mom and her dismal salary of nil.
I do sympathize, with the NZ attitudes to emigrants and wish I could help.
Maybe you could start something online to fulfill your desires. It would cost less than $6000, I'm sure. Just a thought.
Never ever call your dreams "stupid." It doesn't cost a thing to believe, but the cost of giving up belief is a hardened heart. Just write for the joy of it and see where that takes you and meanwhile, we all have to make a living somehow. I hope you find something that you find satisfying.
Happy New Year, my friend.
I so understand where you are coming from. I have a 4 year highschool music teaching degree from the Sydney Conservatorium - but that's not good enough for little ol' NZ...
Get a day job, but don't give up on your writing dream! (Just my 2 cents worth )
I can relate somewhat. I was surprised by all of the hoops that I had to jump through to get my RN license in New Zealand. And then learning that it would cost $60,000+ to get my MSN over here, compared to having it covered by an employer in the States for a work-study exchange was just depressing. I know of a few people here that are trying to get employment as teachers, both Americans and Kiwis, and the market seems miserable. But, I think that if paying $6,000 means you'll be able to do what you love, then you should go for it. The tough part is figuring out if it really IS what you want to do. I feel for you!
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